Sumo Wrestling!

Today in Japan club we learned about Sumo Wrestling. First off, Sumo Wrestling started off as entertainment for the gods. We also learned that a Sumo Wrestler will eat about 10,000 calories a day. They make a stew called chanko filled with vegetables and different kinds of meat. We actually just recently missed the Sumo Wrestling tournament that took place in September. Here is some very good footage:

If you would like some more in depth information on Sumo Wrestling check out these links:

Sumo Schedule 2014

Basics of Sumo Wrestling

Give me Japan

Why am I creating this blog? Why is it called give me Japan? Why is some crazy chick asking for a country?

Hi I am Kitty! I am a girl that loves discovering new things about Japan. Of course I started loving Japan because of it’s awesome assortment of Anime and Manga but then it stemmed off into learning the language and learning about it’s rich culture. I hope to one day visit Japan and practice the language and visit all the places I have read about. For now I’ll just share my research and nerdyness with the internet.
Until that day comes I’ll keep saying, Give me Japan!
